Swing Central Jazz
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View the Bellevue Jazz I performances at Swing Central performances:
At Da House in Da Pocket - Lucas Theatre
Boo Dah - Lucas Theatre
Easy Money - Lucas Theatre
Nasty Magnus - Rousakis Plaza on River Street
Bluesette - Rousakis Plaza on River Street
Thank you to the Savannah Music Festival and Swing Central Jazz Competition organizers for this opportunity. We hope to share our music at this festival again.

Each year, twelve outstanding high school jazz bands are selected from a large pool of applicants to participate in Swing Central Jazz workshops and the competition. Each of the twelve bands receive complete charts, one-on-one and ensemble instruction from the nation’s top educators, and a chance to win the Faircloth award and $5,000 to support their music program.

Each jazz band will learn from multiple clinicians during their individual clinic, where they will work with one clinician per instrument. Students will also attend an improvisation workshop, instrumental sectionals, and each band receives a rhythm section workshop with Marcus Roberts. This is a wonderful opportunity for our jazz band musicians!
The Bellevue High Band program welcomes personal donations and the use of Amazon Smile to support the band. If your business is interested in a Corporate Sponsorship, we offer a range of sponsorship levels and benefits.